HueArts NYC Brown Paper
HueArts NYS project partners Museum Hue and Hester Street are extremely grateful to our boards for their ongoing work and support, and to our dedicated staff teams for making this project a reality.
Funding Partners

HueArts NYS is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature. We are grateful for major support and partnership from the New York State Council on the Arts that allowed for the expansion for HueArts across all of New York state. Additional support was provided by:
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
The Ford Foundation
The National Endowment for the Arts
Blanchette Hooker Rockefeller Fund
In addition, this project is made possible by the wisdom, insights, and commitment of many contributors:
Advisory Committee
Bhawin Suchak, Youth FX
Sean McLeod, Kaleidoscope Dance Theatre Inc.
Nydia Padilla Rodriguez, Borinquen Dance Theatre, Inc.
Jeremy Dennis, Ma’s House & BIPOC Art Studio Inc.
Sylvia Diaz, Art JuXtapose Gallery
Jackie Madison, North Country Underground Railroad Historical Association
Zainab Saleh, Frontline Arts Buffalo
Dr. Joe Stahlman, Seneca-Iroquois National Museum
Cjala Surratt, Black Artist Collective
Margarita Espada, Teatro Yerbabruja
Greer Smith, TRANSART
Dr. Georgette Grier-Key, Eastville Community Historical Society
Ana Chireno, Mirram Group
Brenda Simmons, Southampton African American Museum
Interview Participants
21st Century Arts Inc. – Rachel DeGuzman
AJ Williams Meyers Library African Roots Center – Nina Tucker
Art Services Inc. – Joseph Mastroianni
Arts Mid-Hudson – Lillia Perez
Avenue Blackbox Theatre – Reenah Golden
Black Artist Collective – Cjala Surrat
Borinquen Dance Theatre – Nydia Padilla Rodriguez
Buffalo String Works – Yuki Numata Resnick
CNY Arts Inc. – Brian H. Lee and Liz Lane
Eastville Historical Society – Dr. Georgette Grier-Key
Forge Project – Candice Hopkins
Frontline Buffalo – Zainab Saleh
Huntington Arts Council – Emily Dowd
The John & Alice Coltrane Home – Ravi Coltrane
Kaleidoscope Dance Theatre – Sean McLeod
Michigan Street African American Heritage Corridor
North Country Children’s Museum – Sharon Williams
North Country Underground Railroad Association – Jacqueline Madison
NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation – Cordell Reaves
Seneca Museum – Dr. Joe Stahlman and Hayden Hanes
Southampton African American Museum – Brenda Simmons
New York State Council of the Arts– Leanne Tintori and Fabiana Chiu-Rinaldi
Teatra Yerabrauja – Margarita Espada
Vernon Byron, Artist
Community Conversations Participants
Talima Aaron, John W. Jones Museum
Nando Alvarez-Perez, The Buffalo Institute for Contemporary Art
Anu Annam, Sea of Visibility
Storm Ascher, Superposition Gallery
Alexas Esposito, Center for Indigenous Knowledge and Healing
Tracy Todd Hunter, Of Colors Creative Collective
Adrian John, Sully Huff Heritage Center
Desiree Kee, El Museo
Antonia Perez, Herban Cura Co-founder and Program Director
Minera Perez, OLA of Eastern Long Island
Kitt Potter, Director of Arts & Cultural Affairs, Kingston, NY
Ineil Quaran, Dope Collective
Annette Ramos, Rochester Latino Theatre Company
Cordell Reaves, NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
James H. Rolling Jr., JHRolling Arts, Education, and Leadership Strategies
Gretchen Sorin, Director & Distinguished Professor, Cooperstown Graduate Program
Maria Ta, Ujima Theater Company
Alexa and Edreys Wajed, Eat Off Art
Thomas Warfield, National Technical Institute for the Deaf (RIT)
Qiana Williams, Markitah Williams, and Jaleel Campbell, Black Artist Collective
Survey Participants
Adelante Student Voices
Afghan American Artists and Writers Association
Alma de Mexico
ArtFarm Press
Articulation NY LLC
Black Artist Collective CNY
Black Theatre Troupe of Upstate NY, Inc.
Borinquen Dance Theatre, Inc.
The Buffalo Institute for Contemporary Art
Community Folk Art Center
Southampton African American Museum
Eastville Community Historical Society
Eat Off Art
El Museo Buffalo
Frontline Arts Buffalo
Get Woke! Catskills
Grupo Cultural Latinos En Rochester, Inc.
International Women in Jazz
Jaleel Campbell Studios
JHRolling Arts, Education, Leadership Strategies
John W. Jones Museum
Kaleidoscope Dance Theatre
La Joven Guardia del Teatro y la Danza Latina, Inc
Living Arts Collaborative, Inc.
Ma’s House & BIPOC Art Studio Inc.
Neto Hatinakwe Onkwehowe
North Country Underground Railroad Historical Association
Of Colors Creative Collective
OLA (Organización Latino Americana) of Eastern Long Island
Paul Robeson Performing Arts Company
Rattapallax, Inc.
The Rochester Latino Theatre Company
SEA of Visibility
Stanley “Sully” Huff Heritage Center
Sukanya Burman Dance Company
Superposition Gallery
Teatro Experimental Yerbabruja
TRANSART & Cultural Services Inc
Typography of Woman
Ujima Company, Inc.
Youth FX
Town Hall Participants
Prisca Adams
Saladin Allah
Charles Anderson
Anu Annam; SEA of Visibility
Marcela Artunduaga
Devin Bhola; Rubin Museum of Art
Tiffany Joy Butler
Jaleel Campbell; Black Artist Collective
Jessica Chen
Margaret Chen; Natl Museum of the American Indian NYC
Brittni Collins
Charlecia Joy Cole
Magaly Colimon-Christopher; Conch Shell Productions
Susan Fisher
Rina Flatau
Lauren Gibbs; LG Capital for Culture
Lucas Grant
Kimberly Griffiths
Khurshid Guru
Sueey Gutierrez
Lorna Harris
Dayatra Amber Hassan
Adrián Hernandez
Judith Houston
Deb Howes; Dorsky Museum
Jane Jackson
Ryan Jackson
Delores Jackson Radney
Annette Jiménez Gleason
Afua Kafi-Akua
Sean Kelley
Kilolo Kumanyika
Jacqueline Lennon
Jacqueline Madison
David Martine
Laudelina martinez
Linda Mboya
Sean McLeod
Anneliese Meck; Genesee Country Village & Museum
Rose Merola
Salvador Munoz
Nada Odeh
Marilyn Post
Aaron Rice
Oscar Robert
Greer Smith
Rhea Smith
Ellen Snyder-Grenier
Evan Starling-Davis; Artist
Paz Tanjuaquio
Julie Tay
Jihan Thomas
Wright Thompson
Tracy Todd Hunter; Of Colors Creative Collective
Miriam Trementozzi
Cayetano Valenzuela
Sharon Vatsky
Thomas Warfield
David Wayne
Qiana Williams; CNYCF
Jo-Ann Wilson
Danny Winks
Top Photo: Southampton African American Museum